
Wednesday, February 29, 2012


In this image, it shows great scale of how this building size is. if you look at the persons, we can tell this building is very gigantic and in big size based on human scale. 


Anthropomorphic is measured based on human proportion and scale. Usually, using this attribution of human into animals or any other non living things.

the "ken"

This image is showing the "ken." Ken is method of  the measurement in Japanese style. it used in many of Japanese architecture and houses. And in this image, window is used in ken.  

the modulor

This image is showing the great shape and lines of the modulor. The modulor was developed by Le corbusier. He devised with anthorpometric scale and proportion

Renaissance Theories

This floor plan is greatly showing the renaissance theories. it is very symmetrical and if you divide it has same shape. 

the orders

There are many different orders that were used in many buildings to support. it is divided into cornice, frieze, architrave, capital, shaft, and base. in my image, they used ionic is very decorative order with spiral shape.

golden section

i have picked this image to show the golden section. this is showing the golden section of spiral. the golden section name based on this golden ratio.