
Wednesday, February 29, 2012


In this image, it shows great scale of how this building size is. if you look at the persons, we can tell this building is very gigantic and in big size based on human scale. 


Anthropomorphic is measured based on human proportion and scale. Usually, using this attribution of human into animals or any other non living things.

the "ken"

This image is showing the "ken." Ken is method of  the measurement in Japanese style. it used in many of Japanese architecture and houses. And in this image, window is used in ken.  

the modulor

This image is showing the great shape and lines of the modulor. The modulor was developed by Le corbusier. He devised with anthorpometric scale and proportion

Renaissance Theories

This floor plan is greatly showing the renaissance theories. it is very symmetrical and if you divide it has same shape. 

the orders

There are many different orders that were used in many buildings to support. it is divided into cornice, frieze, architrave, capital, shaft, and base. in my image, they used ionic is very decorative order with spiral shape.

golden section

i have picked this image to show the golden section. this is showing the golden section of spiral. the golden section name based on this golden ratio. 

form of the circulation space

In this image is showing a form of the circulation space. And i have picked an image that is showing enclosed space through this stairs. it is enclosed by both of side walls. 

Path-space relaitonship

This image is showing a great path-space relationships, because through this stair pathway that lead into the space. and i tired to emphasize into my diagram of this path and space

configuration of the path

this image is showing the configuration of the path. This floor plan is plan for a church. it is gives a different directions of path which is staring in the middle. 

building entrance

i have found an image for building entrance. and there many different interesting entrances for buildings. An entrance is divide the  exterior and interior space. In my image, it is shows the most typical building entrance.

building approach

i have found an image of building approach. in this image, it shows frontal building approach, because it is directly gives a way to a building

Monday, February 13, 2012

radial organization

In this image it has great radial organization. the architecture is based on radial form. and i tired to represent into my diagram!

Linear Organization

I have picked this architecture image to show linear organization. there are great linear organization is showing in this image. and there varieties of lines with different directions. and i tried to represent into my diagram!

adjacent spaces

i have picked this image to show spaces. adjacent spaces is when space is connected right next to a space. and i thought that this image has great adjacent spaces between these columns. and i tried to represent this into my diagram ! 

interlocking spaces

i have picked this image for the interlocking spaces. interlocking spaces is overlapping mass and spaces in architectures. and this spaces has great interlocking spaces. all the spaces are interlocked each other. For my diagram, i tried to give a sense of this interlocking spaces just within lines and line weights.

space within a space

i have picked this image to represent space within a space. there are main space and in that space it creates another spaces. it gives a interesting collision. this image has this space within a space, because of that bathroom in the middle. and for my diagram i tried to play with main forms of this image and created this diagram!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Openings in space defining elements

I picked this image to show the openings that have defined the space with different elements. 
It combined with vertical and horizon lines that create this opening. and i tried to focused on combining these vertical and horizon line and created my diagram.

Qualities of Architectural Space

I picked an image that shows great qualities of architectural space with degree of closure. 
In this image there are great organic form and shapes of wall that connected to the ceiling. 
Because of that we get the sense of more interesting spaces and get the illusion.

Vertical Linear Elements

I picked an image that show vertical linear elements with closure. I think this is good example of showing vertical linear elements on closure. This got very interval vertical lines and in the middle there are organic form of lines which give interest. 

Horizontal Elements

I picked an image that has horizontal elements that shows elevated plane on the wall. From the structure it is easy to see there different horizon lines combining in this building. Therefore, i tried to represent on my diagram with focusing on horizon lines. 

Form and Space

I have highlighted the positive form with red and out side of that are all negative form. Positive could be the furniture and the negative one is the floor and ceilings in my image. 
The Form and space cannot be separated, if there is a form then there must be a space. and in that form and space there are negative and positive. 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Circle & Square

A Formal collision of Geometry is when two different geometry are collusion together. There are many different formal collision of geometry and i picked a circle and square for my image. 
Form this image i found out that there is square and inside of that there is a circle

Clustered Forms

Additive Forms is form that combined with other elements that characterized by their ability to grow and merge with other forms.
I picked this image, because i think there is a clustered form on the wall which it combined with other elements and it made it one element

Subtractive Forms

A subtractive form is a form that can be recognized even there is such thing as shape.
I picked this image, because i think that there is a subtractive form at the top, we can figure it out that there is a cube shape, even there is no such a form or shape