
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Circle & Square

A Formal collision of Geometry is when two different geometry are collusion together. There are many different formal collision of geometry and i picked a circle and square for my image. 
Form this image i found out that there is square and inside of that there is a circle

Clustered Forms

Additive Forms is form that combined with other elements that characterized by their ability to grow and merge with other forms.
I picked this image, because i think there is a clustered form on the wall which it combined with other elements and it made it one element

Subtractive Forms

A subtractive form is a form that can be recognized even there is such thing as shape.
I picked this image, because i think that there is a subtractive form at the top, we can figure it out that there is a cube shape, even there is no such a form or shape

A primary solids is it can be generate volumetric forms that are distinct, regular and easy to recognize its form. Therefore, i picked this picture, because i think that there are primary solids such as circle, and rectangle shapes.

Dimensional Transformation

A dimensional Transformation is a form that can be transformed  by one or more dimensions but it still contains the original of its form.
I thought that this could be the great example of dimensional transformation because, even it doesn't look exactly like rectangular shape, but we still get the idea of it's shape

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


 i picked this image because, there is great example of volume.
4. Volume: volume is visual that implied capacity and movement there is weight on volume.


 I picked this image to show the plane, there are 4 different planes, 2 side walls, ceiling, and floor plane.
3. Plane: a flat surface or 2 dementional surface which joining of two points.


2. Line: A line is made by a moving point and there is direction, weight, and the variations in line.


1. Point 
Even there is only one point on blank page there must be a reason to put an point and it seeks some kind of relationship or order.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

About my Collage

My Collage is based on what i think and what is design to me. I believe that respecting other countries' cultures are very important as an artist. And also, i personally think that traveling around is a good way to learn design. I like a design that combined with different styles, such as modern and very classic.